Prince Edward Island International Recruitment Event 2024 in DUBAI


International Recruitment Events in Prince Edward Island, Canada in DUBAI

Welcome to Prince Edward Island (PEI), where career opportunities await! Known for its breathtaking landscapes and warm hospitality, PEI is inviting skilled professionals from around the globe to explore exciting job prospects through its International Recruitment Events.


About Prince Edward Island:

Situated on the east coast of Canada, PEI is a province with a rich cultural heritage and a thriving economy. The PEI Office of Immigration is dedicated to facilitating provincial immigration pathways and supporting newcomers settling and thriving on the island.

Why Choose PEI?

PEI boasts an unparalleled lifestyle and work-life balance. Imagine studying, working, and exploring an island with endless beaches, picturesque trails, and unique experiences. It’s not just a job; it’s a lifestyle.

International Recruitment Events Canada in DUBAI – Your Gateway to PEI:

The PEI Office of Immigration organizes recruitment events to connect skilled individuals with employers facing labor needs and skill gaps across the province. These events serve as a bridge, facilitating the settlement and retention of newcomers to PEI.

2023 Recruitment Events Highlights:

  • International Recruitment Mission – All Sectors (Dubai)
    • Date: March 2023 (Closed)
    • Dubai Spotlight: In the heart of the vibrant city of Dubai, the International Recruitment Mission attracted talented individuals from diverse sectors, bringing the spirit of Prince Edward Iceland to the Middle East.
  • Destination Acadie (Lyon, Nantes, Namur & Brussels)
    • Date: April 2023 (Closed)
  • International Recruitment Mission (Singapore)
    • Date: October 18-24, 2023 (Closed)
  • Upcoming: International Recruitment Mission – Healthcare (Dubai)
    • Date: February 2024 (Sign Up)
    • Dubai Calling: The next chapter unfolds in Dubai! The International Recruitment Mission focusing on Healthcare promises new beginnings for skilled professionals. Sign up now to be part of this transformative event!


Job Categories and Opportunities in Prince Edward Island

The recruitment events cater to various sectors, providing opportunities for professionals in:

  • Healthcare
  • Trades and Construction
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Hospitality
  • Trucking Industry
  • Manufacturing
How to Register:

Job seekers interested in exploring opportunities in PEI can register for free. Simply provide your resume/CV and select the field of work based on your skills and experience. Employers will connect with potential applicants to discuss job opportunities in person or virtually.

Important Information:

  • It’s a serious offense to provide false information.
  • Submission of profiles to express interest is free; it’s illegal to pay for a job offer.

Privacy/Disclosure Consent:

Participants agree to the terms of use and privacy policy, acknowledging that personal information may be shared with employers for employment purposes.

Conclusion to Prince Edward Island

Take the chance to embark on a new adventure in Prince Edward Island. Register now, and let your career journey begin in this picturesque province!

For inquiries about immigration to PEI, contact

Download ATS Resume Free
Prince Edward Island official Webiste
Freelancer Visa Dubai


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