What is the language in Dubai? Everything you need to know

language in dubai, people speak language in dubai, abu nahyan alnuaimi, dubai social circle.

What is the language in Dubai?


language in dubai, people speak language in dubai, abu nahyan alnuaimi, dubai social circle.
Picture of people mingling from different nationalities by Abu nahyan Al nuaimi.


Table of Contents

  1. Primary Languages in Dubai
  2. Arabic: The Official Language
  3. English: Widely Spoken
  4. Hindi and Urdu are languages in Dubai
  5. The Filipino
  6. Other Languages in Dubai
  7. Can I communicate in English while in Dubai?
  8. What are the primary languages spoken in the Dubai?
  9. Bonus | Read Also:
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Dubai is a city with a population. Read this If you’re considering visiting Dubai. Knowing the languages there can make it more enjoyable. This guide will outline the languages used in Dubai highlight the prevalence of English and address questions regarding communication in the city.

Primary Languages in Dubai

There are over 200 nationalities in Dubai. So, many languages are spoken there. Here are the key languages you should be aware of:

1. Arabic: The Official Language
Arabic serves as the main one in the entire United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is utilized in affairs, legal matters, and educational settings for UAE nationals. While Modern Standard Arabic is taught in schools locals often communicate using Emirati Arabic.

2. English: Widely Spoken
English holds importance as it is widely spoken across sectors such as business, tourism, and daily interactions, in Dubai. Most signage, menus, and public announcements are presented in both Arabic and English to cater to an audience.
In Dubai, English is commonly used for communication making it convenient for English speakers to navigate the city. Many educational institutions, in Dubai also conduct classes in English.

3-Hindi and Urdu are languages in Dubai

These languages can be heard in settings such as markets, shops, and by taxi drivers. The influence of culture including Bollywood movies and cuisine is quite prominent in Dubai.

4- The Filipino

The Filipino community contributes to the diversity of lingoes spoken in Dubai with Tagalog being a heard language in sectors like hospitality and service industries.

Other Languages in Dubai

language in dubai, people speak language in dubai, abu nahyan alnuaimi, dubai social circle.
Original picture of people talking by abu nahyan alnuaimi.

Those include Malayalam, Bengali, Tamil, Chinese, French, and Russian are also spoken depending on the areas within the city.

While Arabic serves as the main one spoken, English holds a position as widely used among expatriates and, within business environments.
Arabic is the language, in settings while English is commonly used in everyday interactions, business dealings, and tourism.

Can I communicate in English while in Dubai?
Absolutely! English is widely used in Dubai with locals such as shopkeepers, waiters/waitresses, and taxi drivers in the language.

What are the primary languages spoken in Dubai?
The dominant languages spoken in Dubai include Arabic, English, Hindi, Urdu, and Tagalog. These languages mirror the population of the nation.

Bonus | Read Also:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is it convenient to navigate Dubai in English?
Certainly! Navigating Dubai in English is straightforward. Signage, menus, and official paperwork are available in both Arabic and English. Moreover, a significant number of residents are proficient in English.

Q2. Are there language barriers to consider when visiting Dubai?
While English is widely understood you may face some language barriers, in areas where Hindi, Urdu, or Tagalog are more prevalent. Nevertheless, many individuals working within the service industry speak English fluently.

Q3. Is it advisable to learn Arabic before relocating to Dubai? You don’t need to study Arabic before relocating to Dubai. Having a grasp of basic phrases can come in handy and demonstrate respect, for the local customs.

Q4. What languages are utilized in Dubai schools?
English serves as the language of instruction in international schools. However, Arabic is also integrated into the curriculum in schools catering to UAE nationals.

Q5. How can I acquire proficiency in Arabic or other languages spoken in Dubai?
There are language institutes and community hubs across Dubai that offer courses, in Arabic and other languages. Additionally, online resources and language exchange groups are options.

Closing Remarks: Embracing Dubais Diverse Linguistic Landscape

The array of languages spoken in Dubai reflects the city’s nature. Whether you’re just visiting or planning to settle down you’ll discover that the linguistic diversity contributes to making Dubai a hospitable environment for all.


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