What Kind of Part Time Jobs in Dubai Are Available for Students

Part Time Jobs

There are a number of benefits to working while going to school and trying to locate a good part time job within Dubai can certainly be a good course of action for any student. Be it the need to get a source of income to cater for your needs while studying or simply looking to get a taste of the ‘real world’, Dubai does not disappoint.

In this blog, we have a look at the various part-time jobs in Dubai suitable for students.

What Kind of Part Time Jobs in Dubai Are Available for Students

Advantages of Having Part Time Job for Students In Dubai

  • First of all, they provide people with the practical experience.
  • They let them apply the knowledge they gain sitting in a classroom.
  • This can be a good one which if added to the list of places which you have worked, it will demonstrate to the employer that you have worked at so many places.
  • Besides, one can earn an income and this financially empowers one to handle his or her affairs, or even save for a rainy day or even support him or herself through college.
  • In addition, working part-time helps one switch from one organization to another thus creating a chance to come across new people and organizations that may offer the full-time opportunity.

A List of the Most Frequent Part-Time Jobs for Students in Dubai

Retail and Hospitality Jobs

Most of the part-time jobs are found in restaurants, hotel industry, and malls, hence the city of Dubai is well endowed in this area. Salesperson at any department store or waiter in a cafe are appropriate jobs for student since those positions can enable one to work in shift that may allow one to study.

Freelancing and Remote Work

Freelancing has also become common with the advancement of technology in terms of communications and project management. Possible classes you can provide as a student include content writing, graphic design, data entry, and online tutoring among others. Freelance work enables one to work from anywhere and therefore you can be able to balance your studies and the money making.

Campus-Based Jobs

In case you do not desire to venture out searching for employment, you can search for employment within your university. Several of the campuses offer work-study options including being a library aide, an office clerk, or a tutor. These jobs are convenient because you obtain them near your classes and the working hours are normally consistent with your timetable.

Internships and Apprenticeships

While internships are also not highly paid, they help gain experience and at times, the intern can be offered a part time job. Such internships as marketing, finance and engineering for instance provide a platform through which the theory learnt in class can be practiced.

How To Find Part Jobs In Dubai?

It is not a herculean task to secure a part time job in Dubai. There are several ways to search for opportunities:

Online Job Portals and Apps: Some of the website to consider includes Bayt, Indeed, and LinkedIn among others. If you type in the keywords “part time jobs in Dubai” you can sort the results according to your preference.

Networking and Referrals: Do not undermine the importance of networking as it is very important. Inform your friends, family and your professors that you are searching for a part time job. They may be aware of vacancies and possibly can refer you to the employer of your choice.

University Career Centers and Job Fairs: Many universities in Dubai contain offices that assist students to search for any employment, internships especially part time. It is also possible to secure potential employers- this is by attending job fairs organized by the university that you attend.

Legal Considerations for Part Job in Dubai For Student Studying

  • First of all, the legal rules governing the case should be known before getting to work. Part time employment is allowed for a student who is in Dubai on a student visa but there are conditions that come with it.
  • A ministry of human resources work permit is required; certain procedures are relevant to the employer only.
  • The main focus here is one has to be very cautious not to jeopardize the student visa status for the part-time employment.
  • As much as you are an employee, keep in mind you have rights as well as responsibilities; if you are in doubt, don’t hesitate to address your employer.

How You Can Keep Balance in Both Study and Part Job in Dubai

Here are some of the strategies that can enable one to meet the demands of both study and job:

  • This means that you have to schedule you work in a way that allows you to meet your needs through working in the part-time job while ensuring that you are in a position to attend to your studies.
  • Time management is key. In as much as this is possible, one should try to allocate particular hours for studying and working, and adhere to them. One also needs to work and rest, hence ensure that you have quality time with your family and friends.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

  1. Does International Students Can Do Part Time Job in Dubai?

International students are allowed to work in Dubai but they should obtain work permit from Ministry of Human Resources. This is important so as to ensure that one does not fall a victim of a situation whereby the job offer causes him/her to offend some of the visa requirements that you both had agreed on.

  1. How Much You Can Earn As A Part Time Job Holder in Dubai?

The remuneration of part-time employment in Dubai depends on various sectors of the jobs as well as the position of the job. Students can perhaps anticipate to make anywhere from twenty to forty US dollars per hour on average, on average AED twenty to AED forty.

  1. How Many Hours You Can Do Part Time Job in Dubai?

The permits subject the students to work up to 20 hours during the term and fulltime during term breaks.

  1. What Are Some Guidelines That May Help One To Get A Part-Time Job In Dubai?

Use internet-based resources, attend the university career fairs, and get in touch with friends or professors. Do not disregard trying to find a part time job at your university.

  1. Does Internships Is A Good Option For Students In Dubai?

Yes, internships are very good since they give one practical exposure to what they study at college. Some internship may also be available on part-time basis and some may provide an opportunity to join them permanently on completion of the course.

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